Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bryce Canyon Day 2

This morning we drove the road through the Park all the way to the end, then took a 1 mile hike to see some Bristlecone Pines. The oldest one is dated at 1600 years old, still a youngster compared to a few over 4500 years old in California. Then we worked our way back to the Park entrance, stopping at some of the overlooks along the way. Here's some of what we saw:

Remember to click on the images to get a larger picture!

The big view.

See the Arch.

Find the arch. See the snow?


Bristlecone Pine. 1600+ years old. Maybe still alive.

Excitement on the plains!

As we were headed back we spotted this young Antelope buck.


Caught by "THE MAN".


Chase ensues.

The Chase!

The chase continued for about a mile, always in sight of the highway. It only ended when "guess who" came on the scene. The youngster had done what every boy does when Dad's on the rampage. Run home to Mama!

Mama says, "Knock it off!".

Then home to the moho for lunch. Afterward we decided to take one of the scenic routes outside the Park. Great ride. Scenes like these:

The road disappears into the rock!

Yes, there is a stream to provide water power for this former milling operation in the middle of nowhere!

Find the Mule Deer watching us!

Who says there aren't cowboys anymore?

And in the distance......

Run with the wind.....

Spring in the valley, not on the mountaintop.

Then it was back to the campground to get together with the other participants in the RVForum who are having an informal rally here and at Capitol Reef NP later. After consuming some adult
beverages and making plans for the morrow, we adjourned to dinner, blogging, and bed!


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